Dungeon of Death short film in pre-production

Are you curious about the story behind our Dungeon of Death photo op? Then we have super exciting news: we are turning it into a movie!

Dungeon of Death – ‘the movie’ will be a 12 minute horror comedy about a medieval torturer with a twisted sense of humor. It’s written by Desiree, who will also be producing it. Brian will be putting his directing skills to work. Of course we will both be providing all the FX as well.

The shoot is scheduled for the last week of June in Ancaster. We are currently busy planning, casting, and making props.


Making a movie is expensive, so we need your help! Please visit our page on IndieGogo to read all about it. If you like what you see, become a Gore Sponsor, Benefactorturer (or any of the other ranks) by sending us a donation. You will get some great rewards like Behind the Scenes photos, a T-shirt, an IMDB credit, a look at the story board, etc.

Dungeon of Death Indiegogo promo